Book Review: The Lies of Locke Lamora
Title: The Lies of Locke Lamora Author: Scott Lynch Published: 2006 Genre: Fantasy Blurb: The Thorn of Camorr is said to be an unbeatable swordsman, a master thief, a friend to the poor, a ghost that walks through walls. Slightly built and barely competent with a sword Locke Lamora is, much to his annoyance, the fabled Thorn. And while Locke does indeed steal from the rich (who else would be worth stealing from?), the poor never see a penny. All of Locke's gains are strictly for himself and his tight-knit band of thieves; The Gentlemen Bastards. The capricious, colourful underworld of the ancient city of Camorr is the only home they've ever known. But now a clandestine war is threatening to tear it apart. Caught up in a murderous game, Locke and his friends are suddenly struggling just to say alive... Plot Within the first few chapters, this book reminded me of an Oliver Twist/Robin Hood Mash Up. Locke Lamora who is orphaned as a child finds himself under the care and tut