
Showing posts from July, 2020

Deconstructing my Outline

In my last blog post, I spoke about what I've called the Domino Vs Jigsaw effect: how I was writing random exciting scenes for my book and ended up with big gaps in the story that I wasn't sure how to fill, a bit like a jigsaw. I realised that I needed to revisit my outline and add more depth to it so that I could try and write one scene consecutively after the other to help the flow of the story, a bit like dominoes so that one scene would fall on top of the other until I reached the end.  Up until that point, I've got to admit my outline looked a bit like a jigsaw itself. I knew how it was going to start and I knew how I wanted it to end. But the middle was just a big, gaping, uninspiring hole that I was struggling to fill. I've heard that this is quite common and the middle is always the hardest but no one ever seems to explain how they go around fixing that.  Then the other day I was watching a webinar through the Jericho Summer Festival of Writing with Thomas Emson