Jigsaw or Domino method - Which do you use?
Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay |
How do you tend to write your novels? Do you start at the first word in chapter one and carry on writing chapters 2,3,4.....and so on until you write The End? Or do you write a random scene at a time, jumping back and forth throughout the story to whichever scene most inspires you at the time?
I always thought I was the former. When I thought about writing, especially when I was little, I would imagine the words flowing out of me consecutively word after word. But with the novel that I'm writing at the moment I'm finding that really difficult. I'm not sure why, but I'm finding it easier to pick a scene that I already have an idea for and writing it down, then the next time I pick a different scene in a completely different part of the book, jumping all over the place hoping that I can somehow find the scenes to fill in the gaps. That's when I realised it was a bit like Jigsaws and Dominoes:
Jigsaws - When you write random scenes at a time, eventually figuring out the missing scene to fill in the blank spaces until you have a complete novel.
Dominoes - Once you've written the first scene, the rest start to tumble out one after the other until you can see the full manuscript all neatly laid out in order.
I wonder if the reason I am taking on more of a Jigsaw approach is because perhaps I haven't planned the book out enough. I thought I had a decent outline but I'm struggling to write the scene that seem to fit in between the action-packed ones. I want suspense all the way through my novel and I'm struggling to figure out how to do that. Looking at my current outline of scenes, I have the last third of the book pretty much sorted, it's the beginning and middle that are a bit bare at the moment.
The problem is, I'm starting to feel really detached from the story itself. It's not that I don't believe in it anymore, I'm still passionate about it. But I'm struggling to imagine what the final piece might look like which is making me feel really deflated when I sit down to write.
I might have to go back to my outline and try and figure out all of the missing scenes so that I can start writing in order instead. Has this ever happened to anyone else or is it just me?
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay |
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